Monday, May 10, 2010

YES! We got our I-797 approval today! Less than a week after our fingerprints! This is the last piece of the puzzle for our dossier. Then it gets sent to China and we wait.....We are so excited! We made a drink and had a toast!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tuesday is our fingerprinting appointment in San Francisco! This comes during a packed week preparing for John's graduation festivities. It is the perfect time to focus on happy events. We should receive our Notice of Approval about 2 weeks from our appointment. The last piece of the puzzle for our docs to go to China (sort of - such a paper infested process!)

John is reading a great book about a father's experience adopting his daughter from China: "China Ghosts, My daughter's journey to America, my passage to Fatherhood."

Can't wait for our I797 Approval!